How to manage a campaign with multiple creatives?

A media campaign often uses several creative assets. They can be adapted by product, by media target, or to suit different media or distribution areas.

Applicable rules

If a campaign includes several creatives, a Brand lift must be activated for each creative asset. This is the only method for comparing the efficiency of different assets.

⚠️ Note: each creative must reach at least 100k unique exposed individuals.

For multiple static creatives, often seen in OOH or display, for example, you can create a GIF to integrate the different creatives into the Happydemics survey. However, it will not be possible to compare the performance of the different creative elements.

If your budget does not allow you to follow the Happydemics recommendation of 1 Brand lift per creative, or to create a GIF of static creatives, we recommend that you use the original version or the version that has been played the most.

Media insertion standards

Here is a list of accepted formats on Happydemics: .png, .jpeg, .jpg, .gif, .mp3, .mp4, .wav

Video formats must not be longer than 30 seconds.

The maximum size is 1MB for a GIF or static file and 5MB for a video.

Last updated