How to analyze multichannel Brand lift?

The challenge of multichannel is to compare the different media used in a single campaign, to identify which media were the most effective.

Campaign overview comparison

This tab allows you to compare your different media both simply and effectively. You’ll find all the relevant elements for comparison here:

Respondents and ad creatives

A list of the different ad creatives and brand lift statuses (collection, in progress or completed) is available in the overview tab.

Impact score

The Impact Score is a single score that summarizes performance by media. You can edit and select the benchmarks you wish (media, industry or your organization only), to get different views of the Impact Score. However, we recommend selecting at least the default media.

Please remember that each media compares itself to its environment (the one you define when editing the benchmark). In the example, the CTV measurement compares to all CTV measurements made by Happydemics, just as the Digital Audio campaign compares to all Digital Audio measurements made by Happydemics. The same goes for Digital Video and Display. You then compare your different media, according to their own environment.

Cost per lifted user

To optimize your next media campaigns, you can compare the different costs per converted individual for each media. This is a key insight into which media investments were most ROI-effective in this campaign.

KPI vs Benchmark

Finally, you can compare performance by KPI in detail. Once again, you can edit your benchmark (media, industry or organization only), to get different views. However, we recommend selecting at least the default media. This allows you to take into account the unique characteristics of each media. You can also change the chart by selecting or deselecting media, to get a more relevant view. When hovering over the graph, a detailed view appears, revealing whether you’re in the TOP range for a given indicator.

Find an analysis by media in the “Results” and “Benchmark” sections

Each media measure is a Brand lift in its own, which is why the “results”, “benchmark” and “report” tabs provide details by media. You’ll find all the features available on a single-media Brand lift (sub-target creation, details by response item, etc.).

Last updated